Photo by Elisa Ventur on Unsplash

Stress and Asthma: Are they related, and how do I deal with it?

By Brent Sorensen | February 14, 2023

It’s something that comes up often when speaking to patients about respiratory disease.  “I’m worse when I’m stressed – does that have anything to do with it?”  The answer is yes, definitely.  Stress and respiratory diseases, particularly asthma, are very much related even though they seem disparate conditions. Stress is a natural response to challenging or difficult situations,…

Photo by Dan Gold on Unsplash

Asthma and your diet: Is there a link?

By Brent Sorensen | February 10, 2023

While asthma is typically managed with medications, it is believed that diet may also play a role in the management of asthma symptoms. In this article, we will explore the connection between diet and asthma and how making dietary changes can improve asthma symptoms. Inflammation One potential link between diet and asthma is the role…

Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

Asthma and Telehealth: Opportunities and barriers

By Brent Sorensen | January 31, 2023

One of the key challenges in managing asthma is monitoring symptoms and identifying triggers in order to adjust treatment accordingly. Traditional asthma management often involves regular visits to a healthcare provider, who may use peak flow meters or spirometry to measure lung function. However, these visits can be time-consuming and expensive, and they may not…

Asthma and travel: tips for managing asthma while travelling and staying healthy on the go

By Brent Sorensen | January 24, 2023

For those with asthma, travelling can be a bit more complicated than it is for most people. The changes in environment, altitude, and exposure to new allergens can all trigger asthma symptoms. However, with proper planning and preparation, people with asthma can still enjoy traveling and staying healthy on the go. Before you travel: During…

Coping with an asthma diagnosis for your child

By Brent Sorensen | January 18, 2023

Being diagnosed with asthma can be a difficult and overwhelming experience, especially for a child. Asthma is a chronic respiratory condition that affects the airways, making it difficult to breathe and can cause a variety of symptoms including wheezing, coughing, shortness of breath, and chest tightness. These symptoms are scary for anyone let alone children!…

Asthma and exercise: tips for managing asthma symptoms during physical activity

By Brent Sorensen | January 9, 2023

Asthma can make physical activity a challenge. However, with proper management, people with asthma can lead active and healthy lives. Here are some tips for managing asthma symptoms during exercise: By following these tips, you can help to manage your asthma symptoms and continue to lead an active and healthy lifestyle. Remember to always consult…

Asthma and Sleep: How asthma can affect sleep, and strategies for improving sleep quality

By Brent Sorensen | December 18, 2022

The impact of asthma on sleep Asthma can affect sleep in several ways. The symptoms of asthma, such as coughing and wheezing, can disrupt sleep and make it difficult to fall asleep or stay asleep. In addition, the use of asthma medications, such as inhalers, can cause side effects such as dry mouth or throat,…

How do I avoid pollen?

By Brent Sorensen | December 8, 2022

For many people with asthma, pollen can be a major trigger, causing symptoms like coughing, wheezing, and difficulty breathing. In this article, we will discuss some ways to avoid pollen if it is an asthma trigger for you. One of the first things you can do to avoid pollen is to stay indoors when pollen…

Smoking to treat asthma? No. But yes, there was a time…

By Brent Sorensen | November 30, 2022

Smoking for asthma relief? It’s not something we would countenance these days but in the 19th and early 20th centuries products like in the picture here were regarded as the most efficacious treatment around.   We must understand that asthma was considered in the early days to be simply a build up of this mucus in…

People you might have heard of…. with asthma.

By Brent Sorensen | November 23, 2022

What do David Beckham, Billy Joel, Julian Savea, Ludwig van Beethoven, Mo Farah and Harry Styles have in common? Not a whole lot at first glance. One thing is, they all operate or operated at an extremely high level in their chosen profession. They are household names, people who have achieved extraordinary things, but that’s…